Swag Codes: Tips & Tricks

Swagbucks Tips and Tricks: What’s a Swag Code?



If you’ve been a member of Swagbucks for a while, or even if it’s your first day on the site, you’ve probably heard the phrase Swag Code.  And you’ve probably had some questions about them – but we’ll answer them all right here!

What is a Swag Code?

Swag Codes are strings of text that you can apply for instant Swag Bucks. Sometimes they look LIKETHIS. Other times, LiKEtH1S.  Each Swag Code is worth a certain number of Swag Bucks and is only available within a specific time frame.  NOTE: Swag Codes are case-sensitive and will NEVER have any spaces in them.

So, where can I find these Swag Codes?

The first thing you’ll want to do is download our SwagButton by clicking HERE.  After installing it, you can click on the “Check for Swag Code”  button which will alert you if there’s an active code.  You can also install the Google Chrome Extension (which will also alert you of a new Swag Code) by clicking HERE.  And, if you’re using our Android or iOS Mobile Apps, you can now opt to receive Push Notifications, which will be sent your way when there is an active code!

These alerts will tell you where to find the Swag Code.  It might say “Check Facebook!” or “Check Twitter!” or “Check the Blog!”. These are your not-so-subtle clues as to where the code is!  The code might also appear on a Shop & Earn store page or in the description of a Swagstakes or on our Google+ page- you never know (but after reading and memorizing this blog, you will!).

OK, once I find the code, how do I redeem it for my SB?

Swag Codes can be redeemed by entering the Code into the SwagButton or mobile app. 

Enter the text of the code EXACTLY as it appears (codes are case-sensitive). You’ll get a message that you’ve earned your SB (assuming you’ve entered the code correctly and it has yet to expire).

If you’re on the go and using the Swagbucks Android (left) or iOS App (right), you’ll see a Lock icon in the upper right corner. Click on that to enter the code.  

Got all that??  You’ll be a certified Swaggernaut in no time!

-Team Swagbucks