Understanding The “Activity” Ledger And Getting The Most Out Of It
We understand that when activities don’t track properly, it can be a frustrating experience. Your “Activity” Ledger provides transparency on all your activities (what you click on and how you earn SB) to better understand where your SB is coming from. It is also the best way to reach out to customer support when you spot an activity that you believe requires attention.
Here is a breakdown of how it works:
When selecting this view, you can see all the Surveys you started, Shopping Stores you visited, and all the various Offers you clicked on. This will help you remember how long ago you visited an activity to aid you in understanding if/when SB might be earned. Many activities take up to 30 days to credit. Here are some tips to help you:
Pending SB: When you see this yellow icon, it means that this activity will earn SB, but it is still “pending”. You can find more details about when the SB will post/credit when you visit the pending section. There is nothing you need to do besides wait. Hooray!
Awarded SB: When you see the green icon, it means that this activity has been awarded SB. You can find more details about this activity when you view it in the Posted Section.
- No Icon: This can mean two things: 1) You clicked on an activity ( Ex: Visited an online store), but didn’t complete ( ex: purchase anything) or 2) This an indication that either the store or offer partner has not yet reported back to us yet and you need to wait a little longer.
NOTE: If you are confident that you believe an activity should have earned SB, you should click on the envelope icon / contact us link adjacent to the activity. This will start a customer support action and automatically use the specific information about your visit to help us serve you faster.
When selecting this view, you can see all the activities that have been posted (credited) to your account. Every activity row can be clicked on to expand for more details and a link to customer support for assistance on that particular activity. You can also use the Activity and Date Range Filters to narrow down what you would like to review:
3) Pending SB Section:
This is the yellow area at the top of the page to highlight all your SB that is being tracked and on the way. This will help you see the estimated time to get credited and for those enjoying the Member Recognition Program, a way to “Skip The Wait”. If no activities appear in this section it means you do not have any SB currently pending. If you think that is a mistake, you should find the activity in question on the Visited Tab to see the status. If you need help, click the envelope icon on the visited tab directly next to the activity.
4) Customer Support Integration:
Every activity has a customer support option next to it.This is the best way to get support from our team. Please make sure you find the exact activity in question and use that help link as it will automatically pull in the relevant details to expedite your request.